Week 3 Syllabus
An overview of this weeks lessons.
Lesson 7: Writing the Consonants, Part 3
Lesson 7 concludes our exploration of the Sanskrit alphabet.
In this lesson you will…
- Review the remaining Sanskrit consonants from lesson 4, including the Labial consonants, the semi-vowels, the sibilants, and the aspirate, how to pronounce them as well as where they originate in the mouth.
- Learn how to write the remaining Sanskrit consonants in Devanāgarī script.
Lesson 8: Understanding the Creative Power of Language
Lesson 8 explores the concept of how the universe is created in language according to the principles of Vedic Science.
In this lesson you will…
- Briefly review important concepts of Vedic Science.
- Discover how the basis of the material universe is sound.
- Learn about the Vedic concept of language or Vāk.
- Discover the generative power of language.
- Learn about the four stages of language according to the Vedas.
- Review the concept of nāmarūpa in the Sanskrit language.
Leson 9: Writing the Vowels in Words
In lesson 9 you will learn how to read and write vowels within words. After this lesson, you will greatly expand your ability to read and write in Sanskrit!
In this lesson you will…
- Learn about स्वरयुक्त व्यञ्जनानि (svarayukta vyañjanāni), how to write the vowels with consonants in words.
- Practice writing the vowels with consonants within words.